Qualitex Trading



We recognize the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance for our employees. We believe that when our team members are able to achieve a balance between their professional and personal lives, they are more productive, engaged, and fulfilled. To that end, we promote a culture of balance and wellness at our company, and we provide our employees with the resources and support they need to achieve this balance. In addition to promoting work-life balance, we are also committed to facilitating opportunities for skill development. We believe that by investing in the growth and development of our team members, we can create a more dynamic and innovative organization that is better equipped to serve the needs of our customers. We are proud of the strong and motivated team that we have built, and we are confident that they will continue to drive the success of our company in the years ahead.



We believe that investing in the growth and development of our team members is key to our success. That’s why we offer a diverse range of training and skill development programs to help our employees grow and succeed. Some of the programs that we offer include:

  • English language training: We sponsor training courses for the IELTS exam and cover the fees to help our employees improve their English skills.
  • Microsoft Office expertise: We sponsor various online training programs and cover the exam fees to help our employees become experts in Microsoft Office.
  • ISO certification: We sponsor self-study programs and cover the exam fees to help our employees become ISO certified.

These are just a few examples of the many training and skill development opportunities that we offer to our employees. We believe that by providing our team members with the resources and support they need to grow and succeed, we can create a more dynamic and innovative organization that is better equipped to serve the needs of our customers. We are committed to building a strong and motivated team that is dedicated to excellence, and we are confident that our employees will continue to drive the success of our company in the years ahead.


We have developed a versatile leadership development program that focuses on building the character traits that are essential for managers to effectively navigate the challenges of change management, employee empowerment, and team synergy. Our program is designed to help our leaders develop the skills and qualities that are necessary to succeed in today’s fast-paced and constantly-evolving business environment. Through a combination of classroom training, mentorship, and hands-on experience, our program is designed to help our leaders grow and succeed. We believe that by investing in the development of our leaders, we can create a more dynamic and innovative organization that is better equipped to serve the needs of our customers. We are proud of the strong and motivated team that we have built, and we are confident that our leaders will continue to drive the success of our company in the years ahead.


Investing in the development of young professionals is an important part of our business. That’s why we offer a limited paid internships program to help fresh graduates prepare for the start of their professional careers. Our program is designed to provide real-world experience and valuable skills training to help our interns succeed in their chosen fields. Through a combination of hands-on learning and classroom training, our program is designed to help our interns develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the professional world. We believe that by providing our interns with the resources and support they need to grow and succeed, we can create a more dynamic and innovative organization that is better equipped to serve the needs of our customers. We are proud of the strong and motivated team that we have built, and we are confident that our interns will continue to drive the success of our company in the years ahead.